We Killed Soleiman Faqiri……

We Killed Soleiman Faqiri……

We Killed Soleiman Faqiri…… ……THE CIVIL SERVANTS INVOLVED WORK FOR US! Editors note: This timely entry interrupts the “Voice in the Wilderness” series….the final two installments will follow. “More than a hundred Canadian...
We Killed Soleiman Faqiri……

Soleiman Faqiri & burying the truth

Soleiman Faqiri & burying the truth The Toronto Star’s Tuesday, May 15 front page featured staff reporter Fatima Syed’s “Correctional ministry won’t release video of inmate’s last hours.” Ms Syed has been following the Faqari...
We Killed Soleiman Faqiri……

Soleiman Faqiri – another comeback

Soleiman Faqiri – another comeback On December 4, the day after we posted “A comeback – No-Fault Murder?”, a letter arrived over MCSCS Minister Marie-France Lalonde’s signature responding to ours of November 6, published here on...
We Killed Soleiman Faqiri……

A comeback – No-Fault Murder?

A comeback – No-Fault Murder? …..unexpected, but one more reason to persist. The November 12 post, No-Fault Murder?, included the November 6 letter to Ontario’s correctional service minister Marie-France Lalonde,...
We Killed Soleiman Faqiri……

No-Fault Murder?

No-Fault Murder? “No charges in mentally ill man’s death at Lindsay jail” headlined Fatima Syed’s piece in the October 31st Toronto Star, referring to the in-custody beating death of Soleiman Faqiri at the Central...